Get Hydroxyzine (Vistaril) Online for Anxiety and Insomnia

Speak with a licensed provider online to learn if hydroxyzine is right for you and have your prescription delivered to your door. Start your first month for only $30.

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Get Hydroxyzine (Vistaril) Online for Anxiety and Insomnia


Cerebral offers medication management and counseling for only $30 for your first month. If prescribed, hydroxyzine will be delivered to your door in discreet packaging. What do you get for $30 for your first month?

  • Virtual video or phone calls with your prescriber
  • Unlimited online messaging with your care team
  • Medication shipped straight to your door
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Get hydroxyzine and counseling online for $30 for your first month


Understanding the different treatments available for insomnia and anxiety can be overwhelming. With Cerebral, you can speak to a licensed prescribing provider online to see whether hydroxyzine (Vistaril) is right for you. If your prescribing provider decides that hydroxyzine is right for you, you can get your medication delivered straight to your door. If you're curious about getting anti-anxiety medication online, you can learn more today.

Talk to a licensed prescribing provider to see if hydroxyzine (Vistaril) is right for you

What is hydroxyzine?

Hydroxyzine (Vistaril) is a medication that falls under a class of drugs called antihistamines. Histamine is a natural chemical that can cause itching or hives on the skin, and antihistamines reduce their effect on the body. So, hydroxyzine is usually prescribed for allergic reactions.

However, because it also reduces activity in the central nervous system, it can also be used as a sedative. This is why it’s often prescribed to treat anxiety and/or insomnia.

What are side effects of hydroxyzine?

The most common side effects of hydroxyzine include:

  • drowsiness
  • fatigue
  • dizziness
  • dry mouth
  • blurred vision
  • irritability
  • confusion
  • headache

Rarer, more serious side effects that may require medical attention include:

  • difficulty breathing
  • swelling of lips, tongue, or face
  • increased heart rate 
  • skin rash
  • an erection lasting longer than 4 hours

If you are experiencing any serious side effects while using hydroxyzine, it’s important that you seek medical treatment immediately.

What are the dosages?

​​The dosage of hydroxyzine that you will be prescribed depends on the reason you’re being prescribed it. To help control anxiety, the dosage is usually 50 to 100 mg, 4 times a day. To produce sleep, it is usually 50 to 100 mg at bedtime.

How does hydroxyzine work for anxiety?

Research hasn’t fully broken down how hydroxyzine helps anxiety, but it’s believed to be because hydroxyzine reduces activity in the central nervous system and in the brain. It can help relieve tension in the body, which can often be a result of anxiety.  It is also thought to have a unique effect on serotonin.

How long does it take for hydroxyzine to start working?

Hydroxyzine is fast acting and will begin to work within 15 to 30 minutes of taking it.

Is hydroxyzine a controlled substance?

Hydroxyzine is not a controlled substance because using it comes with far fewer risks than other medications often prescribed for anxiety, such as Xanax. It does not have a high risk of dependence, misuse, or addiction.

Does hydroxyzine have withdrawal symptoms?

Because it does not have a high risk for dependence or misuse, hydroxyzine does not cause any significant withdrawal symptoms.

How long does hydroxyzine stay in your system?

The effects of hydroxyzine last from 4 to 6 hours. How long it takes to completely leave your system will depend on the dosage, your body, and your metabolism. On average, hydroxyzine will stay in your system for about 70 hours.

Can I take hydroxyzine during pregnancy or while nursing?

It is not recommended to take hydroxyzine during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester. There may be an increased risk of birth defects. Hydroxyzine is generally considered safe during the second and third trimesters, but do not take it immediately before or during labor. It may increase the risk of fetal seizure during birth and decreased fetal heart rate.

It is also not recommended to take hydroxyzine while nursing. Hydroxyzine passes through the breastmilk and infants have exhibited drowsiness, irritability, and unusual excitement. 

Can I get hydroxyzine prescribed online?

Yes! Getting hydroxyzine prescribed online is easy with Cerebral. You just meet with a licensed prescribing provider who will determine if the medication is right for you!

Cerebral offers medication plans that include virtual consultations with online prescribers to see how your medication is working, free delivery, and medication management. Because Cerebral works on a collaborative care model, we pair medication with behavioral therapy with a Care Counselor or therapist. 

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