Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information

If you are a resident of California, you may opt out of certain processing of your personal information, including for targeted advertising. While Cerebral does not sell your personal information in exchange for money as the term “sell” is commonly understood, we and our advertising partners may collect certain information from our website visitors, such as device identifiers, cookies, advertising IDs, IP addresses, and usage activity. We may share this information with certain vendors that provide services to us, such as ad networks and advertising partners who provide us with interest-based online advertising services. This activity may be considered the “sale” of personal information or the “sharing” or “processing” of personal information or for online targeted advertising under California law. Consumers who wish to opt out of this sharing may follow the instructions below. 

Cookie-Based Advertising Opt-Out Options

The Digital Advertising Alliance (“DAA”) and the Network Advertising Initiative (“NAI”) offer tools to provide consumers with choices as to whether participating third parties can use your information to provide targeted advertising. To opt out of sharing your information with such participating third parties for targeted advertising, please use the following tools:

For websites: the DAA WebChoices Tool, available at, and the NAI Consumer Opt-Out Tool, available at

For mobile applications: the DAA AppChoices Tool, available at

You can also limit ad tracking on your mobile device by using your device’s operating system settings. Information on “limit ad tracking” settings for many common operating systems is available on NAI’s Mobile Choices page:

Please note: You must opt-out on each separate device you may use (e.g. a phone; a tablet; desktop or laptop computer) and for each browser used (e.g. Google Chrome; Microsoft Edge; Apple Safari) to exercise your rights. As these tools use cookies to remember your opt-out preferences, if your browser blocks cookies (or if you choose to delete them from your browser), your opt-out preferences may not be effective and we recommend that you periodically review your browser settings. We do not control the opt-out mechanisms listed above and are not responsible for their operation. Note that even if you opt-out using any of the tools identified above, we may still deliver contextual advertising to you that is not tailored to you based on your personal information.

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