Cerebral Research

Learn how Cerebral has impacted over 500K lives in all 50 states.

Core Principles

Cerebral adopts the following core principles, which will inform our approach to any initiative that leverages clinical data, data science, or AI.

Patient-First Design

AI development will prioritize the needs and well-being of patients. Tools will be designed to complement, not replace, human interaction with qualified mental health professionals. We allow patients to provide feedback on AI tools and enable patients to request human intervention if necessary.

Data Privacy and Security

Patient data privacy and security is paramount. We adhere to all relevant data privacy regulations and ensure data is used ethically and securely.

Clinician Oversight

A team of qualified professionals will oversee AI development, deployment, and ongoing monitoring to ensure it aligns with ethical principles and regulatory requirements. Clinicians will be critical to our development process. 


We will strive for transparency in AI development and use. Patients will understand how AI is used to make recommendations and have the ability to access clear explanations.

Fairness and Non-Discrimination

AI algorithms will be developed and tested to mitigate bias and ensure equitable access to care for all individuals.

Continuous Improvement

We are committed to ongoing research and development to improve AI tools and ensure they remain effective and evidence-based. We regularly review and update our AI charter to ensure it reflects best practices and aligns with emerging ethical and regulatory frameworks.

Adhere to our non-negotiable standards

We do not sell patient data, use AI to replace clinicians, or engage in any activity that may be perceived to be deceptive. We do not use AI in unsafe manner that jeopardize patient lives or treatment.

White papers

Cerebral's Guiding Principles for Data and Artificial Intelligence

Posted September 2024
By The Cerebral team

At Cerebral, our unwavering commitment to our patients and clinicians drives us to explore innovative solutions that enhance healthcare delivery. We recognize the immense potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve both the patient and clinician experience. Read more...

State of Care Report

Posted October 2022
By The Cerebral team

Cerebral’s inaugural State of Mental Health Care Report highlights our focus on clinical quality and safety, the positive impact we are having on our patients, and our commitment to improve mental health delivery. Read more...

Reducing Suicidality with a Comprehensive Data-driven Safety System

Posted May 2022

By David Mou MD MBA, Akshay Swaminathan, Kaitlin Caoili Angel, Mitra Aneel Ursani MD

The Cerebral Safety System uses data-driven decision-making to decrease suicidal ideation. With this system in place, 50% of patients who initially report suicidal ideation no longer harbor suicidal thoughts after treatment with Cerebral. Read more...

Driving Quality in Behavioral Health Using a Closed-Loop Learning System

Posted November 2021

By David Mou MD MBA, Akshay Swaminathan, Sid Salvi MBA

Cerebral uses data to improve care via a System for Measurement-based Access to Relationship focused Treatment (SMART). Learn how Cerebral uses the SMART approach to delivering high-quality, long-term mental health care by using actionable data to improve access and therapeutic relationships. Read more...

Leveraging Data Science to Reimagine Mental Health Delivery

Posted April 2021

By David Mou MD MBA, Akshay Swaminathan, Sid Salvi MBA

Cerebral uses data to improve care via a System for Measurement-based Access to Relationship focused Treatment (SMART). Learn how Cerebral uses the SMART approach to delivering high-quality, long-term mental health care by using actionable data to improve access and therapeutic relationships. Read more...

Blog posts

Mental health resources and articles written by Cerebral. All posts are medically reviewed for clinical accuracy and success.

The State of Mental Health Care in 2022: Where are We?

The Way Forward for Mental Healthcare: A Message from Dr. David Mou, CEO, Cerebral

Telehealth and the Power to Revolutionize Access to Mental Health Care

Call 911 if you’re having a
mental health emergency

Text Home to 741-741 if you're in emotional
distress and need immediate support

Call 988 For National Suicide
Prevention Hotline