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Oct 11, 2024
Do I Have ADHD? 
Sitting down and completing your work sounds like a simple enough task. But for some, it’s a Herculean, if not impossible, challenge. If you feel like your mind is a jumble making it hard to focus, or your energy levels are just always elevated that you can’t sit still, then you may start asking yourself, “Do I have ADHD?" ADHD, known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a condition that impacts individuals around the world with its onset often occurring in childhood. However, the condition isn’t limited to young people and can persist or even present for the first time in adulthood. It can influence many aspects of one’s life including their career, relationships, and even self-confidence.  Recognizing the Signs The first step is understanding the symptoms which usually include inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. It's normal to experience these symptoms to some level, but those with ADHD experience them more frequently and to a more severe degree. Inattention Inattention is the inability to concentrate. Those suffering from inattention become easily distracted and have difficulty staying organized. This may include: Difficulty completing tasks: Starting projects but failing to finish them. Forgetfulness: Frequently misplacing items, forgetting appointments or deadlines, and having trouble recalling details of discussions or directions. Distractibility: Being easily sidetracked by external stimuli such as noises or internal thoughts. Poor organization: The inability to keep track of things, manage time effectively, or prioritize responsibilities. Hyperactivity Hyperactivity is characterized by excessive movement, restlessness, and the inability to sit still. It can present in several ways: Fidgeting: Actions like constantly tapping your feet or drumming your fingers. Restlessness: The need to always be on the move or having difficulties sitting for long periods. Excessive talking: Talking too much, disrupting people, or blurting out words without much thought Impatience: Having difficulty waiting your turn or delaying gratification. Impulsivity Impulsivity is defined as acting without thinking or making rash decisions. Impulsive actions can have serious consequences. Difficulty with relationships: Impulsive behavior can lead to misunderstandings, disagreements, and hurt feelings Risk-taking behavior: Impulsivity increases the likelihood of participating in harmful behaviors such as substance misuse, gambling, or reckless driving Poor decision-making: Impulsive persons may fail to adequately assess risks. They often make uninformed decisions, leading to regret and setbacks All these symptoms can vary from person to person. If you notice you're exhibiting these patterns in your day-to-day life, they could signal ADHD. Self-Assessment Tools The Cerebral ADHD Self-Assessment is a free online tool that includes 20 questions about symptoms like inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. After completing the questionnaire, you'll receive a score and a brief report summarizing your results. This information can help you better understand your symptoms but should not be considered a medical diagnosis. The Importance of a Professional Assessment While self-assessment tools are useful, they cannot replace the expertise of a trained mental health care professional. Professionals can: Conduct a comprehensive assessment: A professional will evaluate your medical history and interview you to get a better understanding of your symptoms and how they impact your life.  Rule out other conditions: Conditions like learning difficulties or mood and anxiety disorders can produce symptoms comparable to ADHD. A professional will explore different disorder possibilities to develop diagnostic impressions. Develop a personalized treatment plan: A professional can work with you to develop a treatment plan to help you manage your ADHDl. These plans may include medication, therapy, and oftentimes, lifestyle changes. Provide ongoing support: A professional can be there to provide you with continuous guidance throughout your ADHD journey, particularly when things get difficult.  Cerebral may help you move forward in treating your ADHD. Our network of qualified mental health professionals can provide a medical diagnosis and, if needed and desired, a personalized treatment plan designed just for you. Understanding the Impact and Finding Support Consider consulting an expert to create coping methods and address any emotional or mental health issues. Coping Mechanisms Implementing coping mechanisms can help you manage your symptoms and improve your daily functioning.  Structure and Routine Establishing routines and maintaining an orderly environment can help reduce distractions and increase focus. Set a schedule with times dedicated to eating, sleeping, working, and fun activities. This consistency can create a sense of stability and keep you on track. Organization Tools Use calendars, to-do lists, and reminders to help you stay atop of your responsibilities and appointments.  Time Management Techniques Learn and practice time management strategies, like the Pomodoro Technique, to enhance focus and productivity. The Pomodoro Technique involves breaking your work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks.   Mindfulness and Self-Care  Incorporate mindfulness techniques like meditation and deep breathing exercises into your routine. This may help you reduce stress so you can focus on your tasks. Also, be sure to practice self-care activities that encourage relaxation, such as being outside, listening to music, or taking part in hobbies. Support System  Connect with others who understand what you're going through. Join a support group to discuss your experiences and learn about different management techniques. Talk to your friends and family about your condition and advise them on how they can be of support.  When to Seek Help When should you seek professional support? Watch for the following signs: Consistent and severe symptoms that severely disrupt your daily life Emotional distress caused by symptoms like anxiety, despair, and low self-esteem Poor performance at work, school, or in relationships Join Cerebral to connect with a mental health specialist who can evaluate you for ADHD and discuss treatment options. With guidance and strategies, you may learn to effectively manage your ADHD so you can finally live the life you want. *The information in this blog is provided as a general educational resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purpose. This information should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment and does not create any patient-physician relationship between you and Cerebral. Please consult your health care provider before making any health care decisions or to get guidance about a specific medical condition.
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Sep 27, 2024
Do Affirmations Really Work? Yes! Here’s the Science
You may have encountered the idea of affirmations when reading about ways to improve mental health, piquing both your interest and skepticism. Can a few well-chosen words really change your emotional and mental state, after all? Without a doubt, the answer is "Yes!"  A proven method for enhancing mental health, affirmations have a psychological effect that has been scientifically demonstrated. Let’s explore how affirmations can change the way your brain functions so you can experience healthier mental and emotional well-being. {MiniWidget:Generic} What are affirmations? Affirmations are succinct, upbeat comments you say to yourself to upset negative thought patterns and promote positivity. Repeating these "cheerleader" words aloud or even silently can cause them to stick in your mind. In doing so, you forge neural pathways that strengthen your sense of self and emotional stability. What is the science behind affirmations? The idea of positive thinking isn’t new as academics have been studying the science behind it for some time. Research indicates that repeating affirmations causes specific parts of the brain to activate. These include the ventromedial prefrontal cortex and areas associated with reward and reflection. This brain region also controls emotions and helps in maintaining your sense of self-worth. Repeating positive affirmations retrains the brain to focus on possibilities and positive ideas. Shifting mental patterns in this way reduces stress and negative self-talk so you enjoy a more balanced emotional state Can affirmations help with anxiety or depression? Affirmations are not a replacement for professional therapy or medication, but they can be an effective complementary tool in managing anxiety and depression. Positive messaging replaces a never-ending stream of negative thoughts, breaking down self-doubt and rumination. This interruption provides you with a break from the stresses of the situation and encourages you to be more optimistic. Benefits of affirmations Affirmations offer a range of mental health benefits, making them a simple yet effective practice. These include: Reduces negative self-talk A critical inner voice is something many will deal with at some point. Affirmations help combat that negativity, reinforcing your strengths and potential. As positive statements become part of your mental routine, the constant flow of doubt becomes quieter, leading to a more compassionate self-view. Promotes healthy behaviors Affirmations possess the power to drive change. Whether kicking a bad habit, adopting a healthier lifestyle, or overcoming procrastination, they solidify your commitment to personal growth. Affirming “I am disciplined and focused” can redirect energy toward completing tasks and staying motivated. Decreases stress Focusing on calming and empowering thoughts during affirmations activates the body’s relaxation response, reducing stress. Redirecting mental energy away from worries promotes a sense of inner peace and balance. How to make affirmations more effective To fully unlock the benefits of affirmations, follow these practices: Commit to a routine Consistency plays a key role in making affirmations effective. Incorporating them into a daily practice, such as during your morning routine or right before bed, strengthens their impact. The more frequently they are practiced, the deeper they become embedded in your subconscious, reshaping mental patterns for long-term change. Set them in the present Affirmations are most powerful when framed in the present tense. Speaking to yourself as if the positive change is already happening makes the statements feel more tangible. Instead of saying, "I will be confident," say "I am confident." This approach strengthens the connection between thought and reality. Make them personal to you Affirmations that speak directly to your unique needs and challenges resonate more deeply. Crafting statements that feel authentic boosts their emotional impact, which makes the practice feel more genuine and effective. Avoid toxic positivity Affirmations should be realistic and grounded in compassion, not a denial of real challenges. Balancing positivity with authenticity keeps affirmations from feeling forced or disingenuous. Instead of glossing over difficulties, focus on affirmations that offer hope while acknowledging real feelings. Focus on what’s achievable Starting with small, manageable goals ensures that affirmations feel achievable rather than overwhelming. Building confidence from these small successes creates momentum, allowing for larger goals over time. This approach keeps the practice grounded and effective. Pair your affirmations with action Affirmations become even more powerful when they are followed by concrete actions. They should act as a catalyst for positive change, not a substitute for it. After repeating your affirmation, take tangible steps toward your goals, and celebrate each achievement along the way. 5 affirmations to start your practice Here are a few affirmations that can serve as starting points for building a healthier mindset: I am a strong, capable person This statement reinforces self-confidence and serves as a reminder of your inner strength, especially in moments of doubt. I am loved and accepted Affirming that you are worthy of love cultivates a deep sense of belonging, even in the face of external challenges. I am doing my best and that is enough Emphasizing self-compassion, this affirmation encourages acceptance of imperfections and honors the effort being put in. I can handle whatever comes my way This promotes a sense of resilience, reminding you that challenges can be met with strength and adaptability. I trust in my ability to navigate uncertainty Strengthening trust in your ability to handle unknowns builds confidence in managing life’s uncertainties with grace. When positive affirmations don’t work, try speaking with a mental health professional While affirmations can support mental health, not everyone finds success using them and some require  professional therapy, especially  when feelings of depression, anxiety, or hopelessness persist for an extended period.  A qualified therapist can offer personalized guidance and support based on your unique issues. If you would like expert help in taking better care of yourself, join Cerebral and work with someone who has experience caring for persons exactly like you. Positive mental effects from affirmations are possible. If they are used frequently, conveyed openly, and combined with constructive action, they may effect long-lasting change. Try powering up your thoughts to inner strength and positivity if you begin employing affirmations right away.
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Aug 20, 2024
Recognizing Burnout and What to Do About It
The demands of adulthood can feel relentless. The constant juggle of work and home responsibilities along with the expectation to be available online constantly makes achieving work-life balance increasingly elusive. It’s a surefire recipe for burnout.  Recognizing the signs of burnout and learning how to manage can be essential for maintaining mental health and overall well-being. {MiniWidget:Generic} What is burnout? Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged or excessive stress. It often occurs when individuals feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands. While it's commonly associated with work, burnout can also stem from other areas of life, such as caregiving, relationships, or academic pressures. Causes of burnout Several factors can contribute to burnout, including: Excessive workload If you’re consistently overloaded with work or responsibilities, it can lead to chronic stress and burnout. Lack of control Feeling like you have little or no control over your work or life circumstances can contribute to burnout. Unclear expectations When expectations are not clearly defined or constantly changing, it can create confusion and stress, leading to burnout. Dysfunctional workplace dynamics A toxic work environment, characterized by poor communication, lack of support, or unfair treatment, can significantly increase the risk of burnout. Work-life imbalance When work consistently takes precedence over personal life, it can lead to neglect of self-care, relationships, and hobbies, increasing the likelihood of burnout. Insufficient rewards Lack of recognition or inadequate compensation can decrease motivation and increase feelings of frustration. Lack of Support A lack of supportive relationships at work or home can exacerbate feelings of isolation and stress. Signs of Burnout Recognizing the signs of burnout is the first step toward addressing it. Common symptoms include: Physical Symptoms: Chronic fatigue, insomnia, headaches, and gastrointestinal issues. Emotional Symptoms: Feelings of helplessness, detachment, and a lack of motivation or satisfaction. Behavioral Changes: Increased irritability, withdrawal from responsibilities, and a decline in performance. The differences between burnout and depression Burnout and depression share similar symptoms, but they are distinct conditions. Burnout is usually linked to specific stressors (work, school, caregiving roles, etc) leading to exhaustion and decreased efficacy. On the other hand, depression is a broader mental health condition characterized by persistent sadness, a lack of interest in activities, and a pervasive sense of hopelessness. Tips for dealing with burnout If you're experiencing burnout, there are a few strategies you can implement to better manage it: Prioritize self-care: Make time for activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul, such as exercise, healthy eating, and relaxation techniques. Set boundaries: Learn to say no to additional work or commitments when you're already feeling overwhelmed. Delegate tasks: If possible, delegate tasks to others to reduce your workload. Take breaks: Step away from work regularly to recharge and avoid mental fatigue. Connect with others: Talk to friends, family, or a therapist about how you're feeling. Seek professional help: If self-care strategies aren't enough, consider seeking professional therapy to address burnout and develop coping mechanisms. How to prevent burnout Preventing burnout requires proactive measures to maintain a healthy work-life balance and manage stress effectively. Some preventive strategies include: Time management: Prioritize tasks, set realistic goals, and avoid procrastination. Stress management: Practice relaxation techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises, to manage stress levels. Healthy lifestyle: Get enough sleep, eat nutritious meals, and exercise regularly to support your physical and mental well-being. Work-life balance: Set clear boundaries between work and personal life, and make time for activities you enjoy. Assertive communication: Learn to express your needs and concerns clearly and respectfully. How professional therapy can support your mental health If you're grappling with burnout, professional therapy may be able to support you in feeling better. A therapist may help you delve into the root causes of your burnout, exploring the underlying factors that have contributed to your current state. They may also equip you with healthy coping mechanisms to manage stress effectively and prevent future burnout. Additionally, a therapist may guide you in creating strategies to improve your work-life balance, establish clear boundaries, and prioritize self-care. Prolonged stress and burnout can happen to anyone. Overcoming burnout and reclaiming well-being may be possible by recognizing the signs, taking proactive steps to manage it, and seeking professional help when needed.  *The information in this blog is provided as a general educational resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purpose. This information should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment and does not create any patient-physician relationship between you and Cerebral. Please consult your health care provider before making any health care decisions or to get guidance about a specific medical condition.
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Finding the right
therapist for you...

Finding the right therapist for you...

Cerebral therapists come from a range of backgrounds and have different approaches to treatment. You can find someone who matches your preferences, such as ethnicity, gender, specialties such as LGBTQIA+ and more.

Learn more about therapy

How do I choose the right therapist for me?

Start by clarifying your specific therapy goals, be it addressing anxiety, relationship issues, or personal growth. Research therapists' credentials, specialties, and treatment approaches to find a match that aligns with your needs. When meeting with a therapist, trust your instincts and prioritize a strong therapeutic connection with someone you feel comfortable talking to. Additionally, consider practical factors such as location and fees to ensure that logistical considerations align seamlessly with your emotional and therapeutic needs throughout your mental health journey.

How does working with a therapist on Cerebral work?

At Cerebral, therapy begins with understanding your mental health goals and preferences so we can help you select the right therapist for you. In your initial sessions, you and your chosen therapist will exchange information, discuss their approach to care, and outline a treatment roadmap with realistic milestones so you know what to expect. In weekly meetings, your therapist will work with you to overcome your mental health challenges. Cerebral's flexible scheduling options, including online video chat or phone sessions, ensure convenient access to therapy that fits your lifestyle, with many therapists available throughout the week, including days, nights, and weekends.

What are the options for therapy - traditional or online?

You can opt for traditional face-to-face therapy or choose the convenience of online therapy. Online therapy is increasingly popular due to its accessibility and effectiveness, especially for issues like depression and anxiety. Studies show that online therapy is just as effective at treating depression and anxiety as in-person therapy.

What questions should I ask myself when looking for a therapist?

Questions you should ask yourself include:

  • What issues do I want to address? 
  • What therapy experience am I looking for? 
  • How far can I travel to see a therapist? 
  • Am I only interested in finding a mental health therapist near me? 
  • What’s my budget? 

What are the types of therapy?

There are multiple types of therapy, including:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Behavioral therapy
  • Humanistic therapy

Learn more about the different types of therapy

What types of therapists are there?

There are different types of therapists with different kinds of credentials, specialties, and years of experience. Once a therapist completes their education, they’re required to pass a clinical exam and counsel under the supervision of a licensed therapist. This lasts for at least two years and at least 3,000 client contact hours. 

Where can I find a therapist?

The following websites have online databases that can help you find a therapist:

Therapy Directory Psychology Today 

Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies

Recommendations or Referrals

Your primary care physician or psychiatrist can help refer you to a reputable mental health professional. If you have a friend or family member who has experience with therapy, you could ask them if they have any recommendations for a good therapist. Their therapist may also have a list of recommendations for other therapists you could consider.

How can Cerebral help in finding a therapist?

Cerebral provides access to a deep, diverse pool of therapists who have the experience to help you reach your mental health goals. Plus, we allow you to switch therapists for any reason, at any time if you so choose. All of our plans are affordable, insurance-free, and FSA/HSA eligible, so you can get started in no time. Click to see therapists in your area.

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