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Couples Therapy


How to Talk to Your Partner About Couples Therapy

How to Talk to Your Partner About Couples Therapy

The Cerebral Team Feb 26, 2024
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Couples therapy is for everyone with a partner, whether your relationship is rock strong or you’ve been facing some trials and tribulations. And while you may be up to give couples therapy a try, your partner may need more convincing. Talking to your significant other about couples therapy can be a sensitive and potentially challenging conversation, so we’ve assembled some tips to guide you through the process.

Before the Conversation

Reflect on your feelings: Take some time to reflect on your feelings and concerns about the relationship. Consider what specific issues or challenges, if any, you've been facing and how they've been impacting you emotionally.

Clarify your goals: Think about what you hope to achieve through couples therapy. Whether it's improving communication, resolving conflicts, or strengthening your emotional connection, having clarity on your goals will help guide the conversation.

Educate yourself: Familiarize yourself with the benefits of couples therapy and how it can help enhance or improve relationships. This will help you feel more confident in discussing the topic and enable you to answer any questions your partner may have.

Anticipate possible reactions: Consider how your partner might react to the suggestion of couples therapy. They may be open and receptive, hesitant, or resistant. Anticipating their possible reactions will help you prepare for different scenarios and respond empathetically.

Choose the right time: Pick a time to have the conversation when both you and your partner are relatively calm and not preoccupied with other stressors. Avoid bringing up the topic during moments of tension or conflict.

Manage your expectations: Understand that your partner may not immediately agree to couples therapy, and that's okay. Be prepared for the possibility of resistance or defensiveness and try to approach the conversation with patience and understanding.

Practice self-care: Engage in self-care activities to help manage your own stress and emotions leading up to the conversation. This might include exercise, meditation, spending time with supportive friends or family, or engaging in hobbies that bring you joy.

Stay open-minded: Keep an open mind throughout the conversation and be willing to listen to your partner's perspective. Remember that couples therapy is a collaborative process, and both partners need to be willing to participate actively for it to be effective.

During the Conversation

Focus on "I" statements

  • Instead: "You always shut me down when I try to talk!" (Accusatory, triggers defensiveness)
  • Try: "I feel unheard when we discuss certain topics, and I'm wondering if we could explore ways to communicate more openly." (Focuses on personal feelings, encourages understanding)

Highlight the benefits

  • Instead: "We need therapy because we're constantly fighting!" (Negative, emphasizes problems)
  • Try: "I've noticed some communication gaps between us, and I believe couples therapy could help us learn valuable tools to resolve conflicts more constructively and strengthen our bond." (Focuses on potential solutions and positive outcomes)

Normalize therapy

  • Instead of: "We need to see a therapist!" (Sounds accusatory)
  • Try: "It's really common for couples to seek therapy to strengthen their bond. Many people find it helpful." (Highlights normalcy and potential benefits)

Listen actively

  • Instead: Nodding silently while waiting to speak.
  • Try: "I want to understand your perspective. Can you tell me more about what you're feeling?" (Shows genuine interest and encourages deeper expression)

Focus on the relationship

  • Instead: "You never listen to me!" (Focuses on blame)
  • Try: "I feel unheard sometimes, and I think we could both benefit from learning better communication skills." (Shifts focus to positive change)

Be open to compromise

  • Instead: "We’re doing this, whether you like it or not!" (Closed-minded)
  • Try: "I understand you have concerns. Can we explore different options together and find a therapist we both feel comfortable with?" (Demonstrates flexibility and collaboration)

Offer reassurance

  • Instead: "This means our relationship is failing!" (Creates negativity)
  • Try: "Seeking therapy shows we're committed to making things work. It's like investing in our future together." (Reframes therapy as a positive step)

Plan next steps together

  • Instead: "I already booked an appointment." (Dismissive)
  • Try: "Would you like to research therapists together, or should I start with some options?" (Empowers your partner and involves them in the process)

Follow through

  • Instead: "I forgot, can we reschedule next week?" (Unreliable)
  • Try: "Let's set a calendar reminder together for our therapy sessions and hold each other accountable." (Shows commitment and mutual support)

Stay calm and patient

  • Instead: Getting defensive or frustrated.
  • Try: "I hear you, and I appreciate your honesty. Even when we disagree, let's remember we're both on the same team." (Maintains respectful communication even during challenges)

Explore Couples Therapy with Cerebral

Every relationship has its ups and downs. Whether yours is better than ever and you want to keep a good thing going, or you’re at a precarious point and need some professional support to get back on track, Cerebral can help. We offer couples therapy with world-class, credentialed professionals—100% online. Meet with an expert from the comfort of home and on your schedule, so you and your partner can make the most of your journey together. Get started.   

Image by pch.vector on Freepik

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Couples Therapy
What To Do If You’re Feeling Underappreciated by Your Partner
In many romantic partnerships, mutual appreciation and acknowledgment form the bedrock of love and trust. But, if you’re feeling underappreciated, it can lead to real emotional distress. Why this matters: If left unaddressed, this ongoing relationship conflict can even erode the foundation of the partnership. This  guide covers what it means to feel underappreciated, the impacts on you and your relationship, and actionable strategies people may use to address and overcome this common issue for couples. What does it mean to feel underappreciated? Feeling underappreciated refers to a sense of not being valued or acknowledged for one’s contributions, gestures, or presence. In a partnership, these feelings can emerge when acts of love or support go unnoticed or unreciprocated, leading to a void of positive reinforcement and a decline in relationship satisfaction. Unappreciated partners often feel a disconnect between their efforts and the feedback they receive. This emotional dissonance can result in a range of negative emotions, including: A lack of motivation to invest in the relationship Resentment Loneliness Withdrawal If you’re feeling this sense of neglect, it may cause you to become distant and disengaged, potentially seeking solace in work, hobbies, or friendships outside of your partnership. You may also find yourself starting and engaging in more arguments with your partner. In extreme cases, the feeling of being undervalued may drive a person towards infidelity as they search for validation, appreciation, and emotional connection elsewhere. It's worth noting: These reactions, while potentially damaging to the relationship, signify a deeper underlying issue that needs to be addressed through open communication, therapy, or couples counseling. Early recognition of those warning signs allows you to address issues before they escalate into more severe relationship problems or cause even more personal emotional distress.  Impact on your personal mental health Feeling unappreciated by your partner can have a considerable impact on your mental health, including: Increased stress Anxiety Reduced self-esteem  A negative self-image Depression When seeking to resolve these feelings, it’s vital to also cultivate a robust sense of self-worth that isn’t dependent on external validation. Why this matters: This can lessen the negative impact of external circumstances and instill a stronger sense of emotional resilience. Effects on your relationship The impact of one partner feeling underappreciated can ripple throughout the relationship. It can lead to: A breakdown in communication A lack of intimacy A reduction in the willingness to compromise  Over time, unresolved feelings of underappreciation can contribute to an emotional disconnection that may be difficult to repair. This is why early recognition and intervention are critical to maintaining a healthy and fulfilling partnership. Don’t ignore your feelings Acknowledging that you feel underappreciated is the first step toward resolution. Ignoring or downplaying your emotions can result in them manifesting in harmful ways, such as passive-aggressiveness or emotional withdrawal. Holding back your feelings to avoid confrontation is not a long-term strategy for a healthy relationship. Instead, it’s important to find constructive ways to express your emotions and collaboratively work with your partner toward a solution. How to resolve the problem of feeling undervalued Talk with your partner Just like with addressing any relationship conflict, resolving feelings of underappreciation often begins with an open and honest dialogue. Here’s how to do just that:  Take some time to reflect on your feelings and identify specific instances where you felt undervalued before you talk so you can express your feelings clearly and specifically. Choose a time when you both are calm and focused, and find a quiet, private place where you won’t be interrupted. This setting helps create a safe space for vulnerability and openness. Start the conversation by sharing specific instances that made you feel unappreciated and how that made you feel. Use ‘I’ statements to convey ownership of your feelings without assigning blame, and avoid using generalizations that can lead to defensiveness. Encourage your partner to express their view on the matter as well. Sometimes, your partner is unaware of the impact their actions — or lack thereof — have on you.  Listen actively to your partner's response by showing empathy, avoiding interruptions, and trying to understand their perspective, even if it differs from yours. Clearly articulate the actions or changes that would help you feel more valued. Be realistic and considerate in your requests, and ensure that they don’t come across as demands (e.g., “You need to do X.”). Approach the situation as a team, discussing the ways you can both contribute to making each other feel valued and appreciated. Agree to revisit the conversation to see how the changes are going. Acknowledge progress and address any ongoing relationship issues during these discussions. By discussing the issue constructively, you can lay the groundwork for mutual understanding and positive change. In general, you can take this same approach to many other relationship conflicts. Go deeper: Here's How Couples Therapy Builds Communication Skills Set boundaries Boundaries in a relationship are not just about physical space but also about respect for each other’s emotional needs. If certain behaviors consistently make you feel underappreciated, it’s important to set clear boundaries about what is and isn’t acceptable. For example: You can establish that you won’t tolerate dismissive language when you express your feelings. You can enforce that limit by tabling the conversation if that occurs. By setting boundaries in a relationship, you not only protect your emotional well-being but also provide the structure within which a healthier relationship can thrive. Divide responsibilities with your partner A common source of feeling unappreciated is an imbalance in the distribution of responsibilities. Whether it’s household chores, financial management, or nurturing mutual friendships, an equitable division of labor can help ensure that both partners feel their contributions are valued. What to do: Sit down with your partner and discuss how to divide tasks based on availability, skill, and preference. This simple act can reduce the likelihood of one partner feeling overburdened and unacknowledged. Show your partner appreciation Especially after you’ve addressed your feelings, it’s important to model the behavior you wish to receive. Even before having that open, honest conversation, expressing your gratitude is a powerful way to start breaking the cycle of underappreciation. What to do: Find opportunities to genuinely express gratitude for your partner’s contributions each day, no matter how small. Practice self-care Self-care is crucial when navigating the emotional complexity of feeling underappreciated. Engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, whether it’s solo exercise, creative hobbies, or spending quality time with friends. Why this matters: You’ll affirm your own value and regain self-esteem, allowing you to recognize your worthiness in receiving the love and attention you deserve. Couples therapy can help with additional support Sometimes, resolving feelings of underappreciation may require more than personal or interpersonal efforts. Professional help, such as couples therapy, can provide the tools and guidance necessary to work through unresolved issues and emerge with a stronger, more connected partnership. What is couples therapy? Couples therapy is a form of counseling designed to help partners improve their relationship. An in-person or online therapist will work with a couple to identify underlying relationship issues, improve communication, and develop strategies for conflict resolution and mutual support. Benefits of couples counseling Whether it’s in-person or online, couples therapy offers a structured environment where both partners can explore their feelings and experiences. The therapy process can uncover unspoken grievances, provide a neutral space to discuss sensitive topics, and empower partners with the skills to enhance their relationship. The benefits of couples therapy extend beyond the resolution of specific issues like underappreciation. Couples often report increased intimacy, better communication, and a deeper understanding of one another following therapy. How to talk to your partner about couples therapy You may feel like initiating a conversation about couples therapy with your partner could be unwarranted. It’s important to recognize that it’s not exactly the same as marriage counseling, which typically addresses specific, immediate conflicts within a marriage. Couples therapy can be a beneficial step for all kinds of couples who want to resolve difficult partnership dynamics by diving deeper into the root causes of relationship issues. Go deeper: Couples Therapy vs Marriage Counseling: What's the Difference? You also may wonder about your partner’s reaction or willingness to consider couples counseling. Frame the discussion as an opportunity for growth and an investment in your future together. Remember: Seeking therapy is not a sign of failure but a proactive step to ensure that both partners are fulfilled and appreciated within the relationship. Cerebral’s approach to couples therapy Cerebral’s approach to couples therapy is rooted in evidence-based practices and tailored to the unique needs and goals of each couple. Knowing that it can be tricky to coordinate two people’s schedules, we offer convenient, online therapy sessions conducted by licensed mental health professionals. You can look for Cerebral's highly-rated couples therapists who offer appointments in the morning, afternoon, evening, or even on the weekend. Consider this: The cost of online couples counseling can also be more affordable. In the United States, in-person couples therapy sessions can range from $100 to $300 per hour. However, online sessions, which studies show are just as effective as in-person meetings, can cost as little as $65 a session.  Feeling underappreciated can be a painful and isolating experience. Through honest communication, boundary setting, appreciative gestures, and, if necessary, professional help, you can move past this hurdle and create a more connected and fulfilling partnership. Whether you’re just starting as a couple or navigating decades of partnership, discover all the ways couples therapy benefits every stage of your relationship. Images by Drazen Zigic and Freepik on Freepik.
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Couples Therapy
Here's How Couples Therapy Builds Communication Skills
Good communication is the cornerstone of all relationships—whether we’re talking about your relationship with colleagues, friends, family members, and, of course, your life partner.  But when you and your significant other are unable to express yourselves in a healthy and constructive way, well, misunderstandings and conflicts are bound to occur. If this is something you’re concerned about, then you may want to consider couples therapy which can help you discover effective ways to talk to your main squeeze.   Understanding couples therapy Couples therapy is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on helping partners improve their relationship. Sessions are conducted by a credentialed therapist with experience in relationship dynamics. The primary goal is to identify and resolve conflicts and improve the relationship by fostering a deeper understanding between partners. Benefits of couples therapy for communication Relationships can improve tremendously just by improving communication between partners. Here are some of the benefits you can expect by working with a professional: Improved listening skills Therapy sessions provide a safe environment for each partner to express their perspective while facilitating active listening. This practice helps you truly hear what your partner is saying without immediately reacting or becoming defensive. Effective conflict resolution Couples therapy gives you strategies you can use to navigate disagreements constructively. By learning to approach conflicts as a team rather than adversaries, you can find common ground with your partner and resolve disputes without damaging the relationship. Building trust and empathy Miscommunication often causes erosion of trust. Through guided conversations in therapy, you can rebuild this trust by demonstrating empathy and understanding toward your partner’s experiences and emotions. Enhancing emotional intimacy Open and honest communication fostered through therapy can deepen emotional intimacy. Sharing vulnerabilities in a supportive setting can strengthen the bond between you and your partner. Techniques and strategies To help you cultivate your communication skills, a couples therapist might guide you through various techniques and strategies, including: Active Listening Active listening involves fully concentrating on your partner, understanding their message, responding thoughtfully, and remembering the conversation. It's about being present and engaged during communication, which couples therapy can help train you to do. Nonviolent communication This technique centers on expressing oneself in a clear, empathetic, and non-confrontational way. It emphasizes sharing feelings and needs openly without blame or criticism. Problem-solving exercises These are practical applications within therapy sessions where you and your partner work through potential scenarios or past conflicts. The exercises aim to equip you with the tools you need to address problems proactively. Communicate confidently with Cerebral Couples therapy can empower you to better understand your partner and equip you both with the tools to maintain healthy communication long after your sessions conclude. Join Cerebral, and start working with an experienced therapist to improve your communication skills, setting the foundation for a resilient foundation for your shared future. Get started. Image by Freepik
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Couples Therapy
How Couples Therapy Benefits Every Relationship Stage
Each chapter of your relationship will unfold with unique joys and challenges, but regardless of the stage you find yourselves in, couples therapy can provide the support you and your partner need to remain happy, loving, and committed. From becoming exclusive to your golden year, let’s explore the different stages of a relationship and discover how the help of a skilled therapist can help it to continually blossom. Committed/exclusive relationship In the early stages of commitment, couples therapy can provide a solid foundation for effective communication, boundary-setting, and building trust. These tools lay the foundation for a strong, lasting bond so you can overcome uncertainties.  Couples therapy becomes your communication coach, equipping you with skills for: Develop healthy communication skills that become the cornerstone of your future journey. Expressing yourselves clearly and actively listening to understand each other's needs and perspectives. Setting healthy boundaries that respect individual needs while prompting closeness. Building trust through open and honest communication for greater emotional security. Engagement/shared future As you envision your happily ever after together, couples therapy acts as a neutral party that can bring objective insights. You'll openly discuss sensitive topics like finances, family dynamics, and career goals, ensuring clarity and understanding before embarking on the next phase of your relationship. Couples therapy provides a safe space to: Engage in open dialogue about sensitive topics, benefiting from a non-judgmental setting to foster understanding and clarity. Gain insights from a skilled professional, equipping you with valuable expertise and guidance for managing disagreements constructively. Plan for your future by proactively addressing potential challenges, ensuring shared goals and clear communication as you enter your next chapter together. Strengthen your bond through collaborative decision-making, fostering a deeper connection and mutual understanding in your relationship. Married life/long-term relationship Adjusting to married life (whether official or not) can bring challenges, and the initial spark may sometimes flicker. Couples therapy empowers you to overcome inevitable challenges while still maintaining a fulfilling and vibrant connection. Couples therapy serves as a coach, helping you: Discover each other's emotional needs and perspectives, promoting empathy and understanding. Develop healthy conflict-resolution skills to address disagreements constructively, maintaining a strong emotional connection. Adapt to changing roles and responsibilities with flexibility and support, ensuring your relationship grows alongside you. Strengthen your bond as a couple through proactive communication and understanding. Parenthood  The arrival of children, while rewarding, can strain even the strongest relationships. Couples therapy provides a space to address challenges like balancing responsibilities, managing stress, and maintaining intimacy. This support system allows you to prioritize your relationship and nurture a strong foundation for your growing family. Couples therapy becomes your haven, empowering you to: Navigate the emotional roller coaster of parenthood with healthy coping mechanisms for stress and fatigue. Prioritize both individual needs and family unity through effective communication and support. Build a strong foundation for your growing family by fostering open communication and emotional connection. Maintain a strong and loving relationship that sets a positive example for your children. Empty Nest As children spread their wings, couples often grapple with feelings of loss and a shifting identity. It’s not always easy adjusting to a quieter household and coexisting with a partner, where your days don’t include the daily responsibilities of parenting.  Couples therapy can be your bridge to a vibrant future, helping you: Rediscover yourselves as a couple through shared adventures, exploring new passions like travel, hobbies, or creative pursuits. Explore individual growth opportunities while strengthening your bond as a team. Weather the emotional transitions with support and understanding. Embrace change with confidence and optimism, building a future filled with new adventures and shared dreams. Retirement Saying goodbye to full-time work and hello to retirement presents opportunities and challenges to relationships. You have to forge an identity that doesn’t involve work or a career, while also spending a lot more time around your significant other.  Couples therapy offers invaluable support in helping you: Adjust to newfound freedom and leisure time so you can navigate changes in routine and roles with grace and flexibility. Deepen your emotional intimacy, learning to communicate effectively, express appreciation, and overcome challenges with empathy and understanding. Sustain a vibrant relationship, ensuring that you continue to prioritize your connection amidst the changes and uncertainties of retirement. Find renewed purpose and excitement in your relationship, infusing your golden years with love, laughter, and a sense of adventure. Get support for each stage with Cerebral At every stage of your relationship journey, Cerebral provides expert support to nurture a happy and thriving partnership. With our seasoned and empathetic therapists, you'll gain invaluable tools, resources, and personalized care to reignite and sustain your love for each other. Sign up today and start meeting a therapist online, from the comfort of your home. Get started. Image by yanalya on Freepik
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