Meet 1-on-1 with a qualified, compassionate therapist to learn lifelong skills for managing your mental health
We assess and approve each therapist before they join Cerebral. 99% of our therapists have a 4.8 approval rating or higher from their clients.
Our therapists have a wide range of life and professional experience to help you find someone you can truly connect with. Many of our therapists come from minority backgrounds and have LGBTQUIA+ experience.
Our therapists have access to subject matter experts and continuous learning programs to help them grow their skillsets and provide more meaningful support.
CBT helps identify specific challenges in your thought patterns and develop skills to respond to them more effectively. This is one of the most common and effective forms of talk therapy.
DBT focuses on self acceptance and understanding how two ideas that seem opposite can be true at the same time. It’s based on CBT and adapted for those with bipolar disorder, eating disorders, borderline personality disorder, suicidal ideation, and addiction.
EMDR is trauma-focused CBT that can help reduce the power of traumatic memories. A trained therapist guides you through thinking about a memory while moving your eyes back and forth to help your brain process them so they become less painful.
Therapy and medication often work together to help reduce symptoms and build lifelong skills to manage them.
Choose the service you want to start with — you can always add or switch services later.
45-minute video or phone sessions (where permitted) with a therapist. Includes initial evaluation and dedicated treatment plan, if diagnosed.
45-minute therapy sessions with a therapist and regular medication check-ins with a prescriber. Includes initial evaluation and dedicated treatment plans, if diagnosed.
Most clients are able to meet with a therapist within 3 days of signing up
Create your account with some basic information — like name, email, phone number, and some context about your experience with mental health care.
Learn a bit more about therapy and medication and then choose the right service to support you. You can add or switch services later for any reason.
See all available clinicians in your area and filter by age, gender, experience, and more. You can read their bios, see their availability, and book your first session.
Working with Dr. CJ is a joy. She has given me some life lessons that have worked better than any Elderly advice. I chose her because of the hobbies and interests that I have, so it’s easier to relate and understand my concerns and she gets it. There’s a level of connect that makes our discussions understandable and easier to accept and adapt to. I have recommended her to a few of my friends who are looking for therapy.
This is my first week using Cerebral but off the bat it has been such an easy process than local, in person providers. I’ve spent months trying to find accessible therapy and prescribers for my medication and it’s usually way out of budget or bad customer service. My provider was able to help me with my medication within our 30 min call. She was great and I just feel super grateful I found this app.
I honestly wish I knew about Cerebral sooner! It has been a wonderful experience. I feel so much better. They answer my questions in a timely manner. Always friendly and empathetic.
The Cerebral Way is our intentional approach to improving your mental health.
Our program is built to give you specific goals and milestones to look forward to and help measure your progress over time. Our goal is that you’ll learn the skills to navigate life’s challenges on your own — and know you have the long-term support of your care team whenever you need it.
When you join Cerebral, you will:
These steps give important structure to your mental health care journey and are designed to help you make more meaningful progression with your therapist or prescriber over time. Every person’s journey is different, and our approach is tailored to your specific needs and flexible enough to make adjustments to your treatment along the way.
This approach is intended to help you play an active role in your mental health care with support from your therapist or prescriber. Our goal is to help you make real, long-lasting progress in your mental health.
Yes. After you sign up and choose a service, you’ll see all available therapists who are licensed in your state.
From there, you can learn a bit about each one and see when they’re available to meet. Once you find a therapist you want to work with, you can book a session. Most of our clients are able to meet with someone within 3 days of signing up.
f you are subscribed to a 2x a month therapy plan:
Your subscription includes 2 sessions per month
If you are subscribed to a 4x a month therapy plan:
Your subscription includes 4 sessions per month
If you need support between sessions, you can log into your account and send your therapist a message. Responses to messages can take up to 2 business days.
You may schedule additional sessions, which will be billed at $135 per session.
Most clients find a therapist they like on the first try, but it’s easy to switch anytime for any reason.
Log into your account and click on your therapist’s profile to find a new one.
If you need more help, log into your account and send us a message.
Yes, you can message your therapist or prescriber anytime between sessions.
Responses may take up to 2 business days.
Log into your account to start a new message.
Our program is built to help you see your progress over time. You’ll work with your prescriber and/or therapist to build a personalized treatment plan. About once a month, we’ll also send you a regular mental health assessment to check in about how you’re feeling. You can keep track of your results of these assessments over time in the Progress section of your account.
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